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What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media

What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media? YouTube suspended President Donald Trump’s channel for at least one week, and possibly longer, after his channel received a lawsuit under forum policies, the company said Tuesday evening. A recent video on Trump’s channel caused violence, YouTube told YouTube Account Suspended. That video has now been deleted.

YouTube initially refused to share details of Trump’s victory in the strike but said within a week, it would reconsider its decision. YouTube also removed content from the White House channel due to a policy violation, the company told YouTube Account Suspended, but the channel itself was not suspended or given a strike – just a warning.

What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media

  • Analysis: Will the decline of the deplatform cause Trump and the far right to disappear, move – or move forward?
  • Analysis: Will the decline of the deplatform cause Trump and the far right to disappear, move – or move forward?

So far, YouTube has been the only social media platform left to stop Trump in some way. Facebook has suspended Trump’s account “permanently,” while Twitter completely blocked Trump.

“After careful review, and because of concerns about the possibility of further violence, we have removed new content uploaded to Donald J. Trump’s channel and launched a strike in violation of our policies to promote violence,” a YouTube spokesman said in a statement. As a result, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media, according to our long-standing claim system, the channel is now banned from uploading new videos or streaming live for at least seven days — which could be extended. ”

How to Save Your YouTube Account Suspended Follow YouTube Community Guidelines

YouTube has also said it will take additional steps to block video comments from Trump’s channel.
Under YouTube’s policy, winning a second claim will result in a two-week suspension and three claims will result in a permanent ban.

What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended
What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account SuspendedWhat Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended
  • On Wednesday morning, YouTube announced to YouTube Account Suspended its suspension of Trump channel from remarks he made to the media the day before.
  • YouTube did not respond to a request for identification of specific words that may be compelling. But a look at YouTube and what’s live on the platform suggests that it may be a video of Trump’s comments just before he went to a party at the southern border.
  • Trump addressed the media twice on Tuesday morning – once on the grass just south of the White House, and at Joint Base Andrews.

YouTube has claimed to have removed some of the White House account content similar to the one it removed from Trump’s own channel. As of Wednesday morning, Trump’s southern comments were no longer available on the official White House YouTube channel – but a YouTube link intended to highlight Trump’s comments on Joint Base Andrews, which was clicked Wednesday morning, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media, led to a warning message from YouTube. that the video has been removed “due to a violation of YouTube’s Community Guidelines.”


Speaking to reporters at the site, Trump said Tuesday “Big Tech is doing something bad for our country and our country, and I believe it will be a big mistake for them.”

Trump continued: “It creates a lot of problems and a lot of danger … there is always an argument when they do that, I have never seen such anger.”
The remarks could be interpreted as a sign of impending revenge on Trump’s suspension on Twitter and Facebook.

YouTube suspends Trump’s account, restricting uploads and comments

Google has suspended President Donald Trump’s YouTube account and officially warned the White House of its use of the world’s largest video platform.

The company said Tuesday night that Trump had uploaded content that violated its policies, which provided for one automatic strike, leading to a seven-day suspension on new uploads. It said it also disables the comment section.

The company did not specify which videos violated its policies but said it was “content” that included Trump’s comments Tuesday morning. YouTube has said it violates policies that prohibit violent content.

Donald J. Trump’s YouTube account has 2.77 million subscribers and usually posts several videos a day from him and the media channels on the Copyright.

Under the YouTube program of three strikes, the channel will be suspended for one week after the first claim, two after the second and shut down after the third claim within 90 days. Suspension means that Trump’s account and existing videos will remain accessible but will not be able to upload new content.

“Following a review, and in view of concerns about the possibility of further violence, we have removed new content uploaded to Donald J. Trump’s channel in violation of our policies,” the company said in a statement on social media Tuesday evening What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media. “Due to ongoing concerns about the violence, we will also permanently disable comments on President Trump’s channel, as we have done on other channels where there are safety concerns found in the comments section.”

A spokesman for the company said they had also removed the videos from the White House YouTube Account Suspended but, instead of the first strike, the company issued a warning because “there has never been a similar history of offensive content on this channel, but other offensive content must be found. uploaded to the channel, will receive a claim, in accordance with our policies. ”

YouTube-owned YouTube on Thursday announced it would suspend it – the first claim – “any channels” that post new videos of false claims that violate its policies, instead of giving them a warning first. Later on Thursday, Alphabet employees called on YouTube executives to take further action against the president, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media,  criticizing him for not stopping his account and thinking he would spread further false information and violence.

Trump account suspension of Trump account comes in the wake of violence in the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters on Wednesday, which left five dead. Politicians and members of the public have urged telecommunications and technology companies to closely monitor their stadiums, which are at risk of further violence.

Twitter and Facebook have announced that they have suspended Trump’s account on their forums – Twitter, permanently. However, Trump got a workaround and started posting on Twitter to the state-owned @POTUS account late Friday before that account was suspended.

Google also removed Parler, a Trump-popular social media app, from the Google Play Store on Friday, making it even harder for Android users to download and access the app.

YouTube is different from other social media platforms because videos can be shared on other forums, making it accessible to more people.

Description: The YouTube announcement on Twitter was Tuesday night. The previous version had an incorrect date on one reference.

YouTube Community Guidelines

At YouTube, we work hard to keep the community safe and healthy. We have community guidelines that set traffic rules for what we do not allow on YouTube. For example, we do not condone pornography, which promotes violence, harassment, or hate speech. We rely on a combination of people and technology to mark inappropriate content and enforce these guidelines.

Read YouTube Community Guidelines Save Your YouTube Account Suspended
Read YouTube Community Guidelines Save Your YouTube Account Suspended

Flags may appear on our default flagship programs, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media, on members of the Trusted Flagger program (NGOs, government agencies, and individuals) or on users in the wider YouTube community. This report provides data on YouTube flags and how we apply our policies.

Deleted channels by numbers

A YouTube channel is terminated if it has three complaints of public guidelines within 90 days, has one offense of serious misconduct (such as misconduct), or is determined to be fully committed to violating our guidelines (as is often the case with spam accounts.). When a channel is disconnected, all of its videos are deleted.

This show shows the number of channels removed by YouTube as a result of violating our Community Guidelines per quarter.

Channels have been deleted, as a result of the deletion

This chart shows the volume of channels removed by YouTube, in case the channel was removed. Multiple channel cuts are the result of accounts dedicated to spam or adult content that violate our guidelines.

If we disconnect a channel for receiving three Community Guidelines for breach of a few separate policies within three months, we place it under a separate label – “Multiple policy violations” – because these accounts could not be fully committed to violating a single policy.

Videos removed by numbers

What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media: YouTube relies on groups around the world to review flagged videos and remove content that violates our Community Guidelines; restrict videos (e.g., age-restricted content that may not be appropriate for all audiences); or leave the content live if it does not violate our guidelines.

This show shows the number of videos removed by YouTube as a result of violating our Community Guidelines per quarter.

Videos removed, with source for first discovery

This chart shows the volume of videos removed by YouTube, by the source of the initial discovery (auto-flagging or personal discovery) What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media. Flags available to the public may be from a user or a member of the YouTube Trusted Flagger program. Members of the Trusted Flagger program include individuals, NGOs, and government agencies that are extremely effective in informing YouTube of content that violates our Community Guidelines.

Videos removed, by views

YouTube strives to prevent content that violates our rules from being viewed by the public — or at all — before being removed. Automatic flagging allows us to act quickly and accurately to enforce our policies. This chart shows the percentage of video deletions that occurred before they received views compared to what happened after receiving certain views.

Videos deleted, due to deletion

This chart shows the volume of videos removed by YouTube, in case the video was removed. These reasons for removal are in line with YouTube’s Community Guidelines. The reviewers reviewed flagged videos in violation of all our Community Guidelines and Policies, regardless of why the video was originally tagged.

Videos removed, by country / region

This chart shows the number of videos removed by YouTube, by country / region uploaded. This data is based on the uploader’s IP address when the video was uploaded. An IP address usually matches where the uploader is located, unless using a virtual private network (VPN) or hosting server.

YouTube Community Guidelines are in use around the world, no matter where content is uploaded. If content is removed as a result of violating our guidelines, it is removed worldwide. For information about the removal of content or restrictions based on local laws, see the Google Government’s request for the removal of the Content Disclosure Report.

Comments removed with numbers

YouTube is a living community where millions of people post billions of comments every quarter. We use a combination of people and technologies, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media, removing comments that violate our Community Guidelines. We also filter comments that we strongly believe are spam for creators to review and approve when choosing.

How to Save Your YouTube Account Suspended
How to Save Your YouTube Account Suspended

This show reflects the volume of comments removed by YouTube as a result of violating our Community Guidelines and classified as spam that creators may not have authorized.

Data does not include deleted comments when YouTube disables, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media the video category in the video. Nor does it include downtime comments when the video itself is deleted (individually or at channel level setting), when the commenter account is terminated, or when the user chooses to delete or retrieve certain comments for review.

The comment has been deleted, with the source of the first discovery

Many deleted comments are received by our default alarm systems but may not be re-tagged by people who mark people. We rely on teams around the world to review flagged comments and remove content that violates our Terms of Service, What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media, or leave the content live if it does not violate our guidelines.

This chart shows the volume of comments removed by YouTube as a result of a violation of our Community Guidelines, with the source of the first discovery (auto-flagging or personal discovery). Most of the actions we take in comments that violate our guidelines against spam.

Comment deleted, with reason to delete

This chart shows the number of comments removed by YouTube, on the grounds that the comment has been removed. These reasons for removal are in line with YouTube’s Community Guidelines. Most of the actions we take in commenting violate our guidelines against spam.

YouTube Community Guidelines: Viewers and creators around the world use YouTube to express their ideas and opinions. YouTube’s approach to accountability includes four Rs: What Can You Do To Save Your YouTube Account Suspended From Destruction By Social Media Remove offensive content, Raise authoritative words, Lower border content recommendations, and Reward loyal creators.

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